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Unit 6 Whose dress is this?

2016年05月25日 16:37:17 访问量:4255 作者:贾春蕾


1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:too, trousers, gloves, so, dress, party.

2. 能初步用以下句型 Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those? It’s / They’re my father’s/… 询问和交流物体的主人。

3. 能正确理解课文内容。

4. 能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试表演。


1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:too, trousers, gloves, so, dress, party.

2. 能初步用以下句型 Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those? It’s / They’re my father’s/… 询问和交流物体的主人。

3. 能正确理解朗读课文内容。




Step1 warm up

1、Review the rhyme <Nice clothes>

TBoys and girls,do you remember the rhyme <Nice clothes>.Let’s

review it.

2、learn new words and sentences

T;We have learned some clothes. They are T-shirt,cap,skirt and jacket.

But we have many other clothes. Look at this, what is this ?(拿出连衣裙) It is a dress.(教授新单词dress). We have to remember dresses are for girls. Can you guess whose dress is this?(呈现新句型whose ...is this?)

It’s xx’s.

Now,what is this? It is a coat.(教授新单词coat).Can you guess whose coat is this? It’s xx’s.

Next,look,what are they? They’re trousers.(教授新单词trousers).Can you guess whose trousers  are these?(呈现新句型whose ...are these?)

They’re xx’s.

The last one,look, what are they? They’re gloves.(教授新单词gloves).Can you guess whose gloves  are these? They’re xx’s.

3、Say a chant

Dress ,dress,whose dress is this?

Xx’s, xx’s, it’s xx’s.

Coat,coat,whose coat is this?

Xx’s, xx’s,it’s xx’s.

Trousers,trousers,whose trousers  are these?

Xx’s, xx’s,they’re xx’s.

Gloves,gloves,whose gloves are these?

Xx’s, xx’s,they’re xx’s.

TNow,look at the picture.what is this?(分别教授shorts,jeans,shirt and sweater)

Step 2 Presentation

1、Watch and circle

T:Look at the picture,it is a mask.

Whose mask is this?

Mike and his friends are going to a fancy dress party,what are they talking


 What clothes are they talking about?

Watch the cartoon and find out the answers.

2、read and choose

Read the story time and choose the right answer.

3、Let’s imitate

Read after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and tone.

4、Read or act

Four students a group,they can read or act. Then share with us.

Step3 practice

1Fill in the blanks

According to the story time,fill in the blanks.

2、Make a summary

T:当你想知道一件衣物属于谁时,如帽子,夹克衫等,你问:Whose ...is this?


当你想知道一些衣物属于谁时,如手套,牛仔裤等,你问:Whose...are these?


Step 4 Homework

1.Listen and read  after the tape 5 times. (听、读课文5遍。)

2. Try to use the sentences weve learnt to talk about your friends clothes(试着用所学句子来讨论你朋友的服装。)

Step 5 Blackboard design

                         Unit6 Whose dress is this

Whose...is this?

It’s ...’s.

Whose ...are these?


吴娟(2016/6/29 12:47:37)


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