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Unit4 Seeing the doctor(初备)

2021年03月29日 14:04:54 访问量:4554

Unit4 Seeing the doctor





1在整体理解的基础上听懂,会说,会读故事中的词汇:check, dentist, anything, bedtime, brush one’s teeth, drink water, eat sweets, have a rest, take medicine, fever, headache, toothache.

2.基于故事听懂、会说、会读句型:Whats wrong with have/ has a What should doYou/ he/ she should








1在整体理解的基础上听懂,会说,会读故事中的词汇:check, dentist, anything, bedtime, brush one’s teeth, drink water, eat sweets, have a rest, take medicine, fever, headache, toothache.

2.能运用句型:Whats wrong with youI have a What should I doYou should进行初步的交流。

3. 能阅读并理解故事


  1. 能初步理解如何询问病情,如何给不同的病症不同的建议。
  2. 能用第三人称转述别人的病情和注意事项。




Step1 Greetings and warm-up 

  1. Greetings and daily English

T: Hello ,boys and girls! How are you today?

T: Im fine today, but I was not so good on... I was ill, and I went to No.9 Hospital after work. Do you know how to get to No.9 Hospital? Is it far from our school?

T: We can go there on foot. Look at the map and try to describe.(PPT出示地图和箭头)Go along...Turn... at the ...Then go along... We can see ...


2. Enjoy a song : Body song

T: If we can keep our body healthy, we neednt go to the hospital. Lets enjoy a song about body. Please try to sing and touch.


3. Brain storming

T: The song is about the parts of our body. Do you still remember them? Look at the picture and review the parts of our body. (head, ear, hand, foot)


4. Teach: headache, toothache...

T: If one part of our body feels hurt, we can say I have a ...ache. For example: headache, toothache. (ppt在原单词上用红色标注添加ache, 并拓展:earache, backache, stomachache 等。If our body is not so good, we should go to see the doctor. Today we’re going to learn Unit 4 Seeing the doctor.(Teach: see the doctor)

【学习部位疼痛的表达方式。并通过各种病痛需要看医生,引出本单元话题 。】

Step 2 Presentation

  1. Watch and answer

T: I think you all did a good preview. So, can you tell me who wants to see the doctor?

S: Su Hai and Mike.

(PPT: Show two pictures of Su Hai and Mike.

T: Yes. They both feel not good, so they are seeing the doctor. Whats wrong with Su Hai and Mike?(新授句型,PPT显示= Whats the matter with Su Hai and Mike?) Lets watch the cartoon and answer the question.

【通过观看动画整体感知故事,并回答“苏海和麦克怎么了?”headache, toothache


Case of illness(病例)                      Case of illness(病例)

Name: Su Hai                            Name: Mike

Symptom (症状)headache                Symptom (症状):toothache

Diagnosis(诊断):                      Diagnosis病因):

Suggestions(建议):                    Suggestions(建议):

T: Whats wrong with Su Hai and Mike?  

S: Su Hai has a headache. Mike has a toothache.

  1. Part1: Su Hai
  1. Listen and answer

TLook at the picture. Su Hai is ill. She goes to the hospital. (ppt出示) Lets listen to the first paragraph and finish Su Hais case of illness.

T: How does Su Hai feel?

T: How does she feel? (Teach:feel)      S: She feels cold.

  1. Check and learn(出示文本和图片)

T: Yes. The doctor checks her. Whats wrong with her? (Teach: check) 

S: She has a fever.

  1. Read and find (自读课文找出答案)

T: What should she do ?     S: She should...(Teach:have a rest/ take some medicine/ drink some warm water)

  1. Listen and repeat
  2. Think and say

T: Good job! Can you give Su Hai more adcive?Please think and say.

【通过听、问答、讨论、自读课文,找出苏海怎么了?为什么会这样?应该怎么做?并通过填空的形式总结第一部分内容,使学生更容易理解掌握。通过思考还可以给苏海哪些建议,来拓展学生给他人提供帮助的方法,以及练习含有should/ shouldnt的句型

  1. Part2: Mike

a. Think and ask

T: Now you know about Su Hai. What about Mike? Please learn it by yourself. Skip Part 2 and find out what Mike should do.


b. Ask and answer

c. Check and learn

T: Lets check Mikes case of illness?

根据病例让学生进行自主阅读和问答在小组合作中完成麦克的病例,帮助学生理解第二部分的内容 。】

d. Listen and read

4. Reading time(通读两段文本)

(1). Read after the computer.

(2). Read together

(3). Read in groups

T: Read in groups of three, and you can choose one way to read.

Step 3 Consolidation

  1. Memory Challenge(P38 Ask and answer)

A: What’s wrong with...?  B:He/She has a ...

A: How does...feel? /Why does ... have a ...?   B: She feels .../ He...

A: What should ...do?      B:He/She...

【通过对story time的内容进行转述,以达到当堂复习的目的。】

  1. Retell the text (P38Think and write)
  2. A new mini play: Seeing the doctor (两人一人扮演医生,一人扮演病人,完成病例)

A: Whats your name?                         B:Im...

A:What’s wrong with...?/ How do you feel now?    B:I have a/ Im ...

  A: Let me check./ Open your mouth and say Ah...

You have a ....

B: What should I do?

A: You should...(take some medicine, have a rest, brush your teeth, drink some warm watergo to bed early, wear warm/more clothes...)/

   You should not...(eat too much, eat too many sweets, have a bath, stay up late...

(Encourage ‘doctor’ to give more suggestions)


Step 4 Homework

1.       Read and recite the story time.

2.      Try to know more suggestions about how to keep ourselves healthy.

3.      Finish P38 Think and write.

刘菲菲(2021/3/29 19:35:07)

李老师开头以free talk自然引入主题,通过生病去医院巧妙地复习第三单元的问路,之后通过body歌曲活跃气氛,并复习之前学过的和身体部位相关的单词。在原单词上用红色标注添加ache, 并拓展各类病痛,引出本单元话题:看病。之后通过抛出what's the matter?的问题让学生自己看动画回答问题,板书清楚,启发学生给出建议的同时操练should句型。最后让学生两人一组,扮演角色,巩固文本。

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