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Unit 3 A healthy diet(复备)

2021年04月06日 14:11:25 访问量:5059


Unit 3 A healthy diet      



Step 1 Warm up

Good morning, boys and girls.

What day is it today? What date is it today?  Whats the weather like today?

I’m fat. I like eating and drinking. Lets play a game.

Match the pictures with a lot of, some, a few, a little, then say/au/, eat them, OK?

Good job, oh, its a healthy diet pyramid. Today well go on learn Unit 3 A healthy diet

Boys and girls, Whats the healthy diet?

Do you have a healthy diet?


Step 2 Revision

What do you have for breakfast? She has

What about lunch and dinner?  He has

Do you remember Mike and Yang Ling? Lets retell their diets.

Mike has some bread and milk for breakfast. For lunch and dinner, he has a lot of rice, some fish and some meat.

Yang Ling has a lot of noodles for breakfast. She sometimes eats an egg. For lunch and dinner, she has some meat and some vegetables and a little rice.

Well done! Mary is Mike and Yang Ling s friend. They come to see her. They want to know Marys diet. Can you ask Mary for them?

What do you have for breakfast?  I have some noodles.

What about lunch and dinner? For lunch and dinner, I have a lot of rice, some meat and some vegetables.

Lets retell. Mary has some noodles for breakfast. She has a lot of rice, some meat and some vegetables for lunch and dinner.


Step 3 Sound time

You are smart! Lets guess. Whos the woman in Marys house? Shes Marys mother, Mrs Li. 

What is she going to do? Maybe shes going to cook some water for the children.

But is she happy now?

What does she say?

Mrs Li shouts,Get out! Get out!

Why does she shout that ? There is a little mouse in her house.

Lets read together. Look at the red word, what can you find?

Ou pronounces /au/

Lets watch and learn. Follow it.

Mrs Li shouts at the mouse. Lets help her : Hit  the mouse.

Mrs Li doesnt like the mouse. So she asks her cats to catch it . Guess, Who are they?

But Mrs Li cant find them. Where do they go?



Step 4 Cartoon time

1 Watch and answer

Where do they go ?

Why do they go ?

What do they buy ?

How much do they buy?

Can Sam have too much cola?

They buy so many things, is Sam happy at last?

Read and imitate.

Role play

Lets retell .

There is not much food in Sams ______. He goes to the__________with his mother. First, he _____ some cola, but his mother lets him ____a small bottle, and he shouldnt drink ______ ______ cola. Next, he _______ a big fish. Then, Sam ____  the big bag of rice. Finally, they go home , but the fish is ________, Sam wants to _____  ____ ____. But when they walk onto the bridge, the fish _____ into the river.

Ticking time.


Step 5 Consolidation

Think and talk

Give me some suggestion.

You can

You should

You shouldnt

Eat every day.

Drink every day.


Look and complete.

To have a_______ diet, we should have _______  fruit and __________. They have a lot of vitamins(维生素). We can also have_______ rice and bread. We can have _______ meat and fish in our meals, but we can not eat too ______. we can also have ________ eggs every week. Milk is _____ for our bodies. we can have _____ milk every day. Cola is too sweet, we _____ drink too ______. We should drink a lot of ______ every day. Sweet food is nice, but it is not good for our teeth. Eat only ________ sweet food ______ time.

Step 6 Summary

Junk food are bad for us! We shouldn’t  You shouldn’t eat a lot. We should have some healthy food. Healthy food, healthy diet.


Step 7 Homework

1Make a healthy eating table for your family.

2Read the cartoon.



李蓉(2021/4/22 13:16:10)


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