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Unit 5 Helping our parents Story time(初备)

2021年04月09日 10:03:30 访问量:4922

Unit 5 Helping our parents   Story time



1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词:parent, clean, cook, sweep, busy, wash .

2. 能听懂、会说日常用语:What are you doing? What is he/she doing? 及回答

3. 能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。

4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型询问别人正在做什么。




Teaching procedures 教学过程

1. Watch and answer播放小视频

T:According to the video, what are they doing?

S:Mother is making a cake.

  Kate is dancing.

Tom is drawing.

Betty is listening to music.

T:You all have a good memory. Be doing is the form of present continuous tense.现在进行时

Pay attention,we should choose is am areaccording to the situation.我们要根据实际情况选择be动词的适当形式。

T: What is ... doing?


T: What is Mike doing?

Ss: He is seeing the dentist.

T: What do you know about Mike?

Ss: There are five people in Mikes family./ Mike is good at playing basketball./Mike has a toothache./ Mike lives in Sunshine Town.

T:You are great. Today Mike is going to tell us something. What is Mike going to tell us? Lets watch the cartoon.

2. Watch and answer播放课文动画

Ss: Family life.

T: Yes. We can see the title of the story is helping our parents. Here parents means father and mother. What are Mikes family doing on Saturday morning? Read P48.

  1. Read and match



Cook has two meanings. The cook(厨师) is cooking(烹饪).


T: Now lets retell the story. Fill the form in the morning.


T: Is Tim helping his parents?

Ss: No.

T: Why?

Ss: Because he is too young.

T: Maybe Tim can do some simple things. For example: make the bed, clean the table. And when he grows up, he can help to do the housework.

  1. Look and choose.Read P49.



T: Mikes mother is cooking breakfast in the morning and cooking dinner in the afternoon. What do you think of Mum?

Ss: She is very busy.

T: Yes. Helen and Mike are helping mother. Look, Helen is washing dishes in the afternoon. And she is sweeping the floor in the morning. Mike is cleaning the table in the afternoon. He is cleaning the car in the morning. What do you think of them?

Ss: Helpful and filial.

T: Yes, I think so. Do you help your parents to do some housework? Always or sometimes?

T: We should also help our parents. They are tired because they work hard. Family means father and mother, I love you. Please love your parents and help them, understand?

Retell the story in the afternoon.

T: Where is Mikes father in the afternoon? What is he doing? Can you guess?


T: Yes, maybe he is shopping to buy some snacks for children.

  Maybe he is sleeping because he is tired.


  1. Think and judge.
  2. Read the story.

Choose one scene to read.

T: What are Mikes family doing in the evening? Discuss and say.


T:Family is very important for everyone. What can you do for your parents?

Ss: We can do some housework: wash the dishes, wash clothes, clean the table, clean the windows, make the bed, sweep the floor, cook dinner......

T: Yes, you are great! You should also work hard, do your homework well and do some housework. Your parents will be happy.

  1. Homework

1. Read and recite the story.

2. Take some pictures and write a passage.

Blackboard design:


Helping our parents


In the morning

In the afternoon

Mike’s father

Cleaning the car


Mike’s mother

Cooking breakfast

Cooking dinner


Cleaning the car

Cleaning the table


Sweeping the floor

Washing the dishes



Watching TV and eating fruit






李蓉(2021/4/22 14:06:44)

刘菲菲老师在导入环节通过播放紧扣本节课主题的动画,帮助学生初步感知本节课语法知识点,随后利用free talk复习前面所学句型(该环节系统总结了五年级关于Mike的一切信息,由where does he live?引出一栋房子,为本节课板书画好框架。设计巧妙,别出心裁)引出story time视频。在文本展开方面,注重拓展学生思维与词汇、注重设计具有启发性的问题促进学生思考。

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