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2017年03月28日 15:44:32 访问量:4781

译林英语五年级下册Unit5 Helping our parents             叶卉


译林小学英语五下Unit5 Helping our parents Story time



1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词: clean the car/table, cook breakfast/dinner, sweep the floor, busy, wash the dishes.

2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:What are you/they doing? What is he/she doing? 及回答。


1. 能正确理解并朗读课文。

2. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型询问别人正在做什么。

3. 培养学生的自学能力,掌握阅读技巧。




1. 有关家务劳动的词汇。

2. 句型What are you/they doing? What is he/she doing? 及回答。

3. 正确流利地朗读课文。


1. sweep the floor, wash the dishes等词汇的读音。

2. 利用现在进行时态的句型开展交流活动。


1. 充分阅读课文,结合插图理解课文内容。

2. 听录音跟读课文,模仿录音朗读。

3. 根据上文尝试理解生词。


Step1 Warm up and lead in

1. Introduction

Hello, boys and girls. I’m your new English teacher.


Look at my family photo. There are three people in my family. We often play together. Do you like playing games? Let’s play a game.

2. Play a game.

3. Look at the picture. Whose living room is it? My family are in the living room. What are they doing?

They are watching TV and reading books.

Step2 Presentation/ Pre-reading

4. Listen and guess.

What am I doing? 学习生词sweep the floor.

Step3 While reading

A Learn the first paragraph.

1. Look and say

Who are in Mike’s family? Where are they?

They are Mike’s father and Mike, Helen, Mike’s mother, Tim and Ben.

They are in the living room, the kitchen and the bedroom.

2. Listen and answer

When is it? What are they doing?

It is Saturday morning.

3. Read and underline

What are they doing?

My father and I are cleaning the car. Helen is sweeping the floor. My mother is cooking breakfast. Tim is sleeping. Ben the dog is sleeping too.

4. Read the sentences one by one.

5. Read after the tape.

B Self-study(自学第二段课文)

1. From the first passage, we know when? Who? What? Where? How to know a passage? Let’s discuss in groups.

2. Learning the second paragraph by themselves.

Circle and underline the words and sentences.

3. Ask and answer in pairs with the sentences.

When is it now? What is mother doing? What are Helen and Mike doing?

4. Practice.

5. Read after the tape.

C Read and check

1. Watch and complete

What are they doing in the morning? What are they doing in the afternoon? Who helps father and mother?

2. Watch and tick.

Step4 Post-reading

1. Watch and say

What do you want to say to your parents? What can you do for your parents?

2. Think and write

Write a passage about your family.

Let the students read the passage.

Step5 Homework

1. Draw and write your family

2. Read and act

Unit 5  Helping our parents  张花

Teaching aims and learning objectives 

1. 能听懂、会读、会说和会写词汇clean, cook, busy

2. 能听懂、会读、会说词汇parent, clean the car, clean the table, sweep the floor, wash the dishes

3. 初步感知现在进行时和初步了解动词的现在分词构成。

4. 理解故事内容,能流利地朗读并在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文内容。

5. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。


Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 

教学重点:能初步用句型What are you/they doing?What is he/she doing?及其回答I am/We/They are/He/She is doing …



Teaching procedures 

Step 1 Greeting & Warming up

1. Greeting

2. Brainstorming


clean the room, clean the desk, clean the chair, clean the car, …

wash the clothes, wash my face, wash your dress, wash my hands, …

3. Chant together

Step 2 Guessing time

1. T: What room is it? Please guess.

Picture 1 (kitchen); Picture2 (living room); Picture 3 (bedroom)

(出示Picture 4)T: Is it a room? No, it isn’t. It’s a garden.

    (将四幅小图组合成一张图片)T: Who can you see in the picture?


Step 3 Story time

1. Look and say

T: Who are they? (Mike, Mike’s father, Mike’s mother, Helen and Tim)         

T: Who else can you see in the bedroom? (A dog.)

T: The dog is also their family member.

T: What are they doing now?

2. Watch and say

T: Mike and his family are all at home now. So can you tell me when is it? Listen!


S: It’s Saturday morning.

T: Yes. It’s Saturday morning. What are they doing now? Let’s watch the cartoon.



T: Mike and his family did these things on Saturday morning. What about afternoon? Let’s go on! (继续观看课文动画)

T: Who comes to their home in the afternoon? (Mike’s cousin Jim)

3. Read and fill

T: What are they doing in the afternoon. Please read and fill in the form.


4. Read and find

  (1) Read after the tape. (跟读全文)

  (2) 找出文中与“My father is cleaning the car.”结构相同的句子

(3) 教师给出范例,学生齐读

     A. I am helping him.

     B. My mother is cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

     C. She is sweeping the floor.

     D. Helen is washing the dishes.

     E. We are watching TV too.

     F. What are we doing now?

  (4) 教师归纳以上句子结构:be + v.ing,表示现在正在进行的动作

  (5) 教师归纳现在进行时的问句和答句

Step 4 Consolidation

1. Try to retell

(1) 根据表格,教师示范复述

(2) Retell in pairs.

2. Try to think

(1) T: Who is busy? Why?

(2) T: Who is helping her? Why?

(3) T: Who isn’t helping her? Why?

(4) T: Our parents are so busy. They’re busy working and doing housework. So we should help our parents. What can we do?

     S: We can sweep the floor/wash clothes/wash the dishes/clean the table/cook breakfast/…for them.

张永华(2017/3/29 18:43:50)


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吴娟(2017/3/30 13:07:17)


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张莉(2017/5/15 8:41:11)

本课的教学目标是1. 有关家务劳动的词汇。2. 句型What are you/they doing? What is he/she doing? 及回答。两位老师的教学设计层层递进,有效的降低了教学难度,实现了教学目标。

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