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2016年11月17日 07:38:53 访问量:3943

5A  Unit6 My e-friend



Sound time and Cartoon time


1、能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇::fishing, by, week, watch, Dont worry.

2. 能够流利地运用一般现在时的一般疑问句。

3. 了解字母w在单词中的发音。

4. 能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话


1.学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事;





Step1. Warm up.

1.Free talk.

Do you have....? Yes, I do./No, I don.t.

What subjects do you/they like? I/They like...

Does he/she/it have ...? Yes ,he/she have./No, he/she/it  doesn’t.

Do they have .....? Yes, they do./No, they don’t.


Step 2. Presentation

1.T: Do the fish eat apples ?

Do the fish eat oranges?

Does Bobby have any fish? Why ?

    Does Sam have many fish?

Read the text in groups and anwer.


2. Read learn and answer

3. Read and judge


1) Bobby is good at fishing. (F)

2) The fish eat oranges. (F)

3) Bobby and Sam sit by the river.(T)

4) Sam haS many fish. (T)

5) Bobby is angry. (F)

4. Imitate and remember

1)T:time, let’s read the story after the tape.

2)T: Please read loudly by yourselves.     3) Read in roles.

5. Act in groups

Step3.Soud time

1.Look at the picture. Which season in the picture? What’s the weather like in the picture?

(It’s winter. It’ snowy.)

When the winter weather comes, what do we do?

 Let’s listen.

1).Answer the questions.

2). Follow the T

3).Clap your hands follow the music

4).Practice in pairs

5). Ss say together

2.Look at the words, watch, water, week, winter, woman .

What’s the pronunciation of the letter w?

Can youmore words?3. Exercise : Read and find


/w/ _____________


Understand the different pronunciation of letter w.


 Read and act Cartoon time


Unit6 My e-friend

  Watch  water  week  winter  woman  w-/w/

 wrong     w-/r/

5A  Unit6   My  e-friend  第三课时



1. Learn the vocabulary: turn, sometimes, snow, fishing, by, week, watch, Dont worry.

2. Learn the phonetic of the letter w.

3. Train Ss enjoy the great fun of Cartoon story.


1. Learn the vocabulary: turn, sometimes, snow, fishing, by, week, watch, Dont worry.

2. Learn the phonetic of the letter w.


Step1 Warming-up

Greetings and free talk.

Listen to some sentences.

Check the answers.

Step2 Presentation

Look at the pictures.

Listen to the tape.

Find the same letter w.

Say the phonetic /w/ of the letter w.

Teach the new words: turn, sometimes, snow, week, watch

Read the short text.

Act the short text.

Find the other words.

Do some exercises.

Check the answers:

T: Look at the pictures, who are they?

T: What are they doing? Watch the cartoon, please.

Ask and answer the questions, then fill the forms:

Listen to the tape and notice the pronunciations and intonations.

Teach the new words: Dont worry, by, fishing

Read after the tape.

Choose one kind of reading and read in groups.

Read Cartoon story together.

Act Cartoon story.

T: What about cartoon story?

Step3 Consolidation

Make some sentences with the third person singular.

Step4 Homework

1.Copy some vocabulary and patterns.

2. Read, recite and act Cartoon story.


张花(2016/11/18 14:04:54)


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吴娟(2016/11/19 14:59:43)


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张莉(2016/11/27 19:53:34)


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鞠明霞(2016/12/8 14:25:09)


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